Walking Away from the Faith

I've tried it both ways: being fully committed to the faith (sometimes even lukewarm) or walking away. And in my experience, one feels a whole lot better than the other.

I'm sharing this story of how I was a non believer (in retrospect I think it was rebellion)for about a year. Hopefully, someone is inspired or at the very least, relates.  

Don't mind my name, I was born and raised a Christian. Born in the church (not literally of cos), attended Sunday school, was a member of as many units/societies as my school life could permit. 

I became a Sunday school teacher, loved the kids, enjoyed the ministry and BOOM 💣 chaos. I had a misunderstanding with one of the young teachers and I found out that the teachers had been gossiping, harboring hate, playing a little politics, being judgmental and I lost it. How would God's workers live like this? No less in the church. Why the hypocrisy? I got so angry and disappointed and left the church that morning, never to return (I only lasted a year). No services, no visits, no prayers of any sort, no fellowship.  The church appointed people to come speak to me, my parents kept preaching and nudging but I wasn't having none of it until one day I decided to go back. 

My decision to return to faith had nothing to do with the nagging and admonishing. I had lived life both ways: with and without God and I knew one was better (for me). There was an inexplicable emptiness I felt in my "sabbatical" period. A void that nothing could fill.  

I soon realized that I was focused so much on the people (yes, the people are the church butttt.......) rather than on my walk with God. I created an image in my head of what a christian should be like and once that didn't happen, I felt let down and cut myself off. I have since learned that even though we're all part of the body, my major concern should be God and my relationship with him. Humans are humans and can only strive towards perfection.

So while I most definitely will speak against any ill I see in the body of Christ, I'm not leaving it again. My focus is on God and not people and I like my life better with God in it. I'm back on track now and I'm enjoying my journey. It's not completely smooth but I don't have unrealistic expectations of myself or anyone else, so I'm good. I've departed from religion to spirituality and I'm at a very very good place. 

Have you ever left the faith? Are you thinking of leaving? Please share your experience.


  1. Wow. I had something similar, but mine was that i couldn't understand the way they claimed to 'worship' God.. (nysc days). I had to be open to new ways of worshipping before I felt that peace and joy again..

    1. When it comes to worship, we have to be flexible..

  2. Thank God u found u way back in time.

  3. "No services, no visits, no prayers of any sort, no fellowship." - I've been here before. I did not see it as me walking away from the Faith though. But after reading this post, it reminds me that there was that void, that emptiness in me that I did not know how to fill.

    1. I feel like it's the emptiness that brought me back.. Nothing could fill it as long as I was away.

  4. You'll always meet people who'll be jealous or deliberately misunderstanding just because you're different or do things differently,just soldier on and keep doing what you're doing not minding anybody. In my own opinion,if you're not sleeping with me, feeding me, paying me then your opinion doesn't matter. If you have a problem with me and you can't call me and talk to me in person or on the phone then you don't know me enough to have a problem with me. Keep doing what your doing.


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