Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Are you a glass half-full or half-empty kind of person? Some days I see the glass as half full. Other days, well it's just a glass.

For ages, this has been used to distinguish optimistic people from the pessimistic ones. If you see the glass half empty, it is because you tend to focus on the negative things in life. If you see the glass half full you prefer to concentrate on positives aspects. Then there are the objective ones who see the glass as half done. They see both sides of the coin.

What If I told you it doesn’t matter whether you see the glass as half full or half empty? 

What matters is this: what are you filling your glass with?

I used to have a lot of friends and my days were filled with activities. My calender was full and neatly colour coded. I'd go to work, get all my tasks done, hang out with a few people and retire. Back home, alone with my thoughts I'd think to myself "I haven't exactly done anything with my life today." Why? I was filling my glass with the wrong things and everyday I went to bed unfulfilled.

You see, it's not just whether your glass is half full or half empty that matters. You have to be mindful of what you're filling your glass with. Be sure to fill it with those things that satisfy your soul. Pay attention to the important things in your life - your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The only situation more tragic than seeing your glass half empty, is filling you glass until it's overflowing and then realising there's nothing in it to satisfy your thirst for a meaningful life. 

I've had to empty my glass and start refilling. Life altering as it may sound, it has been exhilarating. Take a look at your glass, what are you filling it with? Are you happy with the content? The important thing to remember is this: it does not matter whether you see your glass half full or half empty, what matters is filling it with what is good for your soul. 



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