Update: Something new!!!!

Hey guys,

It's been a lonnnnnnng minute. How have you been? what have you been up to? How are you post elections?

I haven't been up to much myself. Put my life on hold pre elections and pretty much just being lazy post elections. I did however manage to start a podcast and a feature on radio and I'll be telling you all about it


I launched a new channel earlier in the month and I have 3 episodes already. Check it out HERE. I'll be talking about everything from dealing with humans, to organising your life and time. A new episode is uploaded every Tuesday.

Radio feature

2 months ago, I started a social media campaign tagged SCARS UNCOVERED. The aim of the campaign is to encourage people to share the stories behind their scars thereby encouraging others going through a tough situation. I got a call to feature the campaign on radio for a while (Thank you Joke). Majority of the stories are on twitter (@refinersfires).

I have a couple of things baking in the oven and I;ll share with you guys as time goes by. If there's anything you'd like me to try, let me know in the comments



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