What is your Endgame?
Do you have an endgame for you life? Business? Relationships? Career? What is your true endgame in life? Why do we want the things that we want? After the hustling, how would we be? Everyone has a different end-game in life (most people don't know what theirs is though). What is the ultimate goal of your life?

Sometimes, starting with the end in mind is helpful. What are you trying to get or leave behind? Once you've figured out what your endgame is, you then have to ask yourself if what you're currently doing, will help you get there. If it won't, stop doing it.
No matter what your endgame is for each aspect of your life, write it down, make it plain and create a strategy towards achieving it. Don’t start something just because it sounds good or your friend asked you to. Think about the possible outcomes, think about the outcome you want the most. If there is no outcome you really want, save your energy for something that’s more important to you. Pursue your endgame.
Whatever your endgame is, money, power, fame, family, promotion, spouse, early retirement, solitude, it's not far from your reach. It is much closer to hand than you think? A lot of us envision a peaceful life devoid of drama and debts and worries in our old age. The main components of many endgames are Serenity, calmness, peace and joy. All these components however, are within our reach at the moment. Perhaps not to the extent and degree as we'd like but they are available to us right now if we choose them.
At the end of our lives, our ENDGAME is EMOTIONS. We want to get all the things we're hustling for because they'll make us feel better. We want to be with those people because they make us happy. These are all things we can choose now. It's hard mostly because of all the distractions that come our way but it's possible. Connect your every activity with a final outcome.
Remember this: Your endgame may be delayed or may change but it's not always about the endgame it's also about the journey/process. Keep an open mind, adjust your path where necessary or even adjust your endgame as you go, depending on what life throws at you.
Wishing you the very best on the journey to your endgame. I'd love to hear what your endgame is. Please share.
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