Lessons From The Tale Of The Chinese Bamboo Tree

It takes five years for the Chinese Bamboo tree to emerge from the ground. But when it sprouts, it grows rapidly in five weeks to a height of over 80 feet – as long as the tree was well nurtured. There's been several debates as to whether the Chinese Bamboo Tree grew in 5 years or 5 weeks. Did it lie dormant for four years only to grow exponentially in the fifth? Or, was the little tree growing underground, developing a root system The answer I think, is 5 years. Because without those 5 years of care and nurture, the 5 weeks wouldn't be possible. The primary message of the bamboo story is the power of patience and persistence but there are other lessons to be learnt.

The first and maybe the most important lesson is the potential that lies in humans. We're capable of so much more than we can imagine.

Small actions everyday make a big difference in the long run. In most cases, what you do every day is more important than what you do once in a while.

You need to build a strong foundation. If the tree had not developed a strong unseen foundation, it could not have sustained its life as it grew.

Final lesson we can draw from this tale is that patience and faith pay off. Success doesn't come overnight, you need to nurture your patience and work on it. You also have to have a firm faith in what you're doing. Trust it will all happen and just focus on growing yourself.


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