Relationships and Character

The practical test of character occurs in our relationships. The greater measure of pressure is brought to bear on our character through our relationships. Dr mike Murdock once said that “God gives you family to prepare you for an enemy.” For some of us, the deepest hurt we have experience in life are experience through our families. Human beings are created for relationships. 

Genesis 2:18 God said, “It is not good for man to be alone” So, God introduced relationship to man perhaps for helps in our lives. This implies that God didn't design these relationships to be liabilities on us, rather they are meant to be assets. As the most valuable of God’s creations, human beings were connected with one another to release tremendous power. 

Within the context of trinity-God the father, the son and the holy spirit-there is perfect love. God expects us to achieve perfect love through relationships. We can not fully realize our human potentials without interacting with other people. In a relationship where there is love, we have the quality of God’s life flowing because God is love. 

When we don’t love, we die, there is disconnection. A lack of love produces rejection, rejection produces aggression, aggression leads to violence, unforgiveness -all these are manifestation of death, the quality of life that flows in the devil. In Nigeria, the environment negatively programmed the citizens with a scarcity mentality and selfishness. 

We are very harsh to one another. There is higher law- love - love solves all problems. When God’s love enters our heart, it causes all negative programming to lose the power to hurt and controls us. 

We will never realize our potentials as individuals or a nation until we can build good relationships based on trust, integrity and compassion.


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