Before 30!


January is almost over!!!!!! Fastest January I've ever experienced. 

When I turned 30, I was super stoked. Till this day, I can't tell what the excitement was about. It's probably the whole "BIG 30" hype. 20 - 29 went by in a flash yet, here I was excited about a new "era"

Most people have a list of things they want to accomplish before they hit their 30s. I didn't have a list. I was just living each year as it came and I didn't create a list till I turned 32. Most of the items on my list, I wish I had done before I turned 30 but hey! Better late than never. 

To fill my time between now and fortyfied, I’ll be attempting most of the items on my list (I doubt I'll ever learn to swim), make goals and surpass them and finally, make memories I will never forget.

So here are a couple of things you should strive to achieve before turning 30.


I can't emphasise this enough. Travel! Experience other cultures. It doesn't necessarily have to be international travel ( if you can afford it, please travel internationally).

Volunteer for a charity.

Find a charity that does what your're passionate about and volunteer, run a charity race or make a donation .

Build your Network (Read as Networth)

As you grow older, you're going to need connections for most of the projects you'll start, or businesses you'll launch or even for your children's activities. Your network is going to come in handy then.

Buy a house.

If you're in Nigeria, you're probably laughing at this. Buy a land then or start saving towards a house.


This is quite risky. Learn enough to invest some money or have someone else do it for you. No risk, no reward. You could join investment clubs. 

Learn to let go.

Let go of people or things that hurt you, let go of people or things that dont servr you anymore. If you need to, unfollow of block the involved parties on social media. A rule of thumb is: if it won't matter in 5 years, don't sweat it.

Overcome a fear.

Your fears hold you back, but don’t let them. Once you know what you are capable of, anything is possible.

Start a side hustle.

Start a business by yourself or with a friend or group of friends. Make a little extra income on the side. You can never have too much money.

Do professional exams in your chosen/preferred field.

Don't be left behind. Upgrade yourself while you still have the energy and time and perhaps, help of your folks.

Treat yourself to something really nice or expensive. 

Just because you deserve it. If you don’t have the cash now, start saving! Make yourself a savings account (My piggy bank, ALAT, Kolo.... there are a million and one apps out there to help you achieve this) called “Treat Myself” and transfer funds until you have enough.

Find a mentor. 

If you don't have one in your workplace, reach out to someone in your industry

Start taking your health seriously. 

Because if you don't, who will?

Read a lot of books

Broaden your horizon.

I'd love to hear from you. Do you/ did you have a list? 


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