Something new!!!!! Book Launch

Hey guys!!!

How have you all been? Well, well, well!!!! Last week I launched a new book. Yaaay me. I did it afraid.

This is my first book ever (hopefully, they'll be a couple more this year). The book is titled LAUNCHING A SUCCESSFUL BEAUTY BUSINESS. I've been in the beauty business for nearly a decade and I thought I should share some tips on launching a beauty business. 

My lessons..........

Writing is WORK: the sleepless nights, the endless reseearch, the entire thinking process is "stressful" 

Your book is your business: your work isn't done once you have written your book it is your duty to sell your product (book) to potential customers. No matter how good the product is, if people do not know it exists, your business is doomed.

It's all worth it: for all the difficulties and hardships you have to face to write your book .. it's all worth it. Each and every bit of it.

This book has opened up a desire to write more (didn't think I had it in me to write one much less thirst for more). So, YES!!!!!!!!! I'll definitely be writing another one. 

Please, please, click the image below to purchase my book



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