L.I.F.E Living in Faith Everyday
Faith is making real what cannot be seen or sensed with human faculties. Living by faith simply means that you act, speak, and think based on what you believe to be true, not on what you feel to be true. Living by faith will take our life out of the natural and into the supernatural.
The purpose of faith goes beyond getting our needs met, receiving healings and any other miracles we might desire from God, faith is the life of the believer. It involves the totality of his existence, including his attitudes, conducts and approach to issues of life. Faith is not something to be generated at will, Faith is a way of life; a way to think, to do and to be!
No matter what is going on in your life, you should always live in faith every day. God still commands us to live in faith. Hebrews 6:1 tells us without Faith it is impossible to please God.
As Christians, we have to learn how to trust God no matter what. You may not see it, but continue to trust God for it. No matter how the enemy tries to invade your life, you must continue to live in Faith every day.
Faith is the key to Salvation. In order to please God, we must first believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. It starts by falling down on our knees. Prayer is our connection to God through His dear Son Jesus. The more we bow down to Christ, the more He reveals Himself to us, and will baptize us with the Holy Ghost, which is the Spirit of Truth. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Read the word of God and pray.
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