Living on Purpose

Everything you want should be yours: the type of work you want; the relationships you need; the social, mental, and aesthetic stimulation that will make you happy and fulfilled; the money you require for the lifestyle that is appropriate to you; and any requirement that you may (or may not) have for achievement or service to others. If you don't aim for it all, you'll never get it all. To aim for it requires that you know what you want." ~ Richard Koch.

It comes from Chapter 11 of Richard Koch's book, The 80/20 Principle entitled: "You Can Always Get What You Want"

So, Rule #1 to creating our ideal lives is simple: We need to know what we want. We'll start with some simple questions: 

What's your ideal?

What do you absolutely LOVE to do?

What comes to you effortlessly?

With whom would you love to spend your time?

What would you be doing throughout the day?

How much would you make?

Where would you live?

Would you like be able to create your new business?

First step: Grab your journal or a sheet of paper and write down what flows through you.


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